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INVITED REVIEWParadoxes of nitric oxide in the diabetic kidney [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-4-21 13:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
作者:RadkoKomers,  SharonAnderson,作者单位:1 Division of Nephrology and Hypertension,Department of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, and Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Portland,Oregon 97201-2940; and Diabetes Center, Instituteof Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, CzechRepublic
6 O/ h3 S+ ~: k! b6 S                  ; ^4 g$ Q! ?2 U
3 Q+ k. h5 {; S; U          & T) C2 ]0 Q0 Y; I- b; G1 U
                         5 A$ Q' y2 @7 J+ Q. K; i
5 n$ n& v. d2 [- o            ; }0 s5 o6 P; [6 N9 \
! O1 z# y( n$ W+ r$ e            
2 l# C- H" F1 y9 |# j$ _2 q                     
- B9 H: @6 U7 i% e0 j        
7 |1 b! ~7 d8 e2 d% b! p, u        
/ L7 _% Q4 X8 b9 f9 _' V        
5 p8 |$ s* z! p3 [% l0 a3 C          【摘要】  V( W  F1 t5 I0 }
      As an important modulator of renalfunction and morphology, the nitric oxide (NO) system has beenextensively studied in the diabetic kidney. However, a number ofstudies in different experimental and clinical settings have producedoften confusing data and contradictory findings. We have reviewed awide spectrum of findings and issues that have amassed concerning thepathophysiology of the renal NO system in diabetes, pointed out thecontroversies, and attempted to find some explanation for thesediscrepancies. Severe diabetes with profound insulinopenia can beviewed as a state of generalized NO deficiency, including in thekidney. However, we have focused our hypotheses and conclusions on theevents occurring during moderate glycemic control with some degree oftreatment with exogenous insulin, representing more the clinicallyapplicable state of diabetic nephropathy. Available evidence suggeststhat diabetes triggers mechanisms that in parallel enhance and suppressNO bioavailability in the kidney. We hypothesize that during the earlyphases of nephropathy, the balance between these two opposing forces is shifted toward NO. This plays a role in the development ofcharacteristic hemodynamic changes and may contribute to consequentstructural alterations in glomeruli. Both endothelial (eNOS) andneuronal NO synthase can contribute to altered NO production. Theseenzymes, particularly eNOS, can be activated byCa 2  -independent and alternative routes of activation thatmay be elusive in traditional methods of investigation. As the duration of exposure to the diabetic milieu increases, factors that suppress NObioavailability gradually prevail. Increasing accumulations of advancedglycation end products may be one of the culprits in this process. Inaddition, this balance is continuously modified by actual metaboliccontrol and the degree of insulinopenia.
' S" U# D& q$ G  L          【关键词】 reactive oxygen species endothelial function renal function signal transduction diabetic nephropathy
7 a4 s2 ~2 t% [6 W1 U* t  f' T                  INTRODUCTION
" y' i0 D  E7 X# \  _& I  _1 o$ P3 x2 N: N  r" p: g! T
NITRIC OXIDE (NO) IS A PARACRINE mediator with a wide spectrum of physiological actions, includingthe control of vascular tone, antithrombotic actions, cell cycleregulation, neurotransmission, signal transduction, and inflammation.NO is synthesized during conversion of its physiological precursor L -arginine ( L -Arg) to L -citrulline( 77 ). This reaction is catalyzed by a family of enzymesknown as NO synthases (NOS) ( 81 ). Three NOS isoforms [neuronal (nNOS, NOS1); inducible (iNOS, NOS2); and endothelial (eNOS,NOS3)] have been identified in mammalian tissues. nNOS and eNOS aretraditionally viewed as constitutive enzymes, with a limited tissuedistribution, exhibiting intracellular Ca 2  /calmodulindependency, although Ca 2  -independent activation hasbeen described ( 29, 34 ). nNOS and eNOS are responsible forproducing NO for a variety of physiological purposes( 68 ). In contrast, iNOS is an inducible enzyme, expressed in all nucleated cells that generate large bursts of NO inresponse to immunological and certain nonimmunological stimuli.iNOS is usually described as Ca 2  independent,although the presence of Ca 2  enhances iNOS activity( 142 ). To produce NO, NOS enzymes require molecular oxygenand a battery of cofactors and posttranslational modifications( 39, 68 ). Effects of NO are typically mediated byactivation of soluble guanylate cyclase, resulting in increased levelsof cGMP ( 85 ).( J5 s" O' u$ k( @

# T( I3 a- ?) I! S! ~NO also acts as a potent modulator of renal function. A wealth ofinformation on renal actions of NO that has amassed during the past twodecades has been summarized in several excellent reviews ( 9, 68 ). All three NOS isoforms are found in the kidney. nNOSprotein and mRNA are found predominantly in the macula densa (MD)region of the distal tubule and renal nerves ( 7, 64, 127, 150 ). iNOS mRNA is detectable in most of tubular cells along thenephron ( 1, 84 ). eNOS is typically expressed inendothelial cells along the renal vascular tree ( 7 ). All three isoforms are expressed in the medulla ( 88, 104, 123 ), and medullary NO production exceeds that in the cortex( 154 ). Studies with nonspecific NOS inhibitors, such as L -Arg analogs, demonstrate that renal hemodynamics are verysensitive to NOS inhibition. NO controls both afferent and efferentvascular tone, the ultrafiltration coefficient ( 28, 159 ),and medullary blood flow ( 79 ), with preferential action onthe afferent arteriole ( 28 ). In addition, NO hasnatriuretic actions ( 4, 79 ).7 x6 ~+ h3 I  D1 E( m1 r

/ i0 F& U% f1 [7 i) f" z1 QAs an important modulator of renal function and morphology, the NOsystem has been extensively studied in the diabetic kidney. However, anumber of studies in different experimental settings have oftenproduced confusing data and contradictory findings. In this paper, wewill briefly review in vitro evidence on the renal NO system indiabetes; put more emphasis on in vivo evidence, in particular,pointing out the controversies in this literature; and attempt to findsome explanation for these discrepancies. Furthermore, based onprevailing evidence, we will propose a unifying hypothesis on thechanges in renal NO in diabetes and its role in the pathophysiology of nephropathy.
% S7 u  w: y% [# A  c; m) o# Y
- w3 x: H8 \$ n+ f1 |EFFECTS OF DIABETES ON THE RENAL NO SYSTEM IN VITRO8 H. k* I+ |5 Q+ q6 S. x
' g$ I* P  e: b" q9 l& E. u; z
Determinations of the effects of high glucose or glycosylationproducts on NO bioavailability in renal cell cultures( 143 ) and in isolated glomeruli ex vivo ( 22, 23, 112, 146 ) have been applied by several groups as an in vitroapproach to assess the effects of diabetes on the renal NO system.Considering the abundance of endothelial cells in the kidney, we alsomention several reports on this cell type. Although not performeddirectly in renal cells, we assume that the same processes as described by these authors could be active in the kidney and should be discussed in the context of this review ( 13, 30, 46 ). In general, invitro studies have provided important information on the mechanisms whereby high glucose or glycosylation products influence NObioavailability. These mechanisms include enhanced synthesis or actionof the prostanoid thromboxane A 2 and PKC activation( 22, 23, 46 ), NO quenching ( 14, 143 ),inhibition of both Ca 2  -dependent and -independent NOSactivities ( 30, 143 ), reactive oxygen species (ROS)production ( 46 ), and NO capture by glucose ( 13 ). Taken together, these studies have suggested adecrease in renal NO production, action, stability, or bioavailability in diabetes. In fact, in vitro studies have provided most of the experimentally available evidence implicating diabetes as a state ofrenal NO deficiency.
1 _* a  e& D3 a/ x" T! l$ t' \( b/ K  U/ J8 D
Unlike the previously mentioned approaches, in vitro measurements ofNO-dependent renal vascular reactivity also provide functional aspectsof the renal NO system and are therefore discussed in more detail.Evidence discussed in this section encompasses studies using variousexperimental approaches and models, including the isolated kidney andisolated arteriolar and renal artery preparations (Table 1 )., \# _4 {+ p. [6 F/ ?

( ^% p8 L+ Z5 ~0 w& B# VTable 1. Studies on effects of high glucose/diabetes on NO-dependent renalvascular reactivity in vitro
. r4 I8 _* w* E: [! c
" m1 |% K, R9 R( xStudies in isolated rat kidneys reported increased ( 11 ) ornormal ( 10 ) vasodilator responses to ACh or metacholineand normal responses to nitroprusside ( 10, 11 ). However,other investigators have reported convincing evidence suggestingdeleterious effects of diabetes on renal NO-dependent vascularreactivity. Ohishi and Carmines ( 90 ) studied isolatedkidney preparations using videomicroscopy of in vitro blood-perfusedjuxtamedullary nephrons to directly assess renal afferent and efferentarteriolar diameters. Diabetic kidneys demonstrated greater baselineafferent diameters, whereas efferent diameters did not differ betweendiabetic and control rats. Apparently, this model reflects changes inarteriolar diameters in diabetic kidneys similar to those observed invivo in micropuncture studies ( 50, 160 ). Both afferent andefferent responses to the NOS inhibitor N G -nitro- L -arginine( L -NNA) were blunted in diabetic kidneys. The responses to NOS inhibition in diabetic rats were restored by treatmentwith SOD. These observations suggested decreased NO availability indiabetic glomerular arterioles, possibly due to accumulation ofNO-scavenging superoxide anions. Interestingly, this NO-deficientsituation was observed in kidneys with decreased afferent arteriolartone. Corresponding observations have been reported in alloxan-diabeticrabbits. ACh-induced vasodilator responses in preconstricted,microperfused afferent arterioles were impaired in diabetic rabbits,and the defect was corrected by using the SOD mimetic tempol( 109 ). However, using a similar model, Moore et al.( 86 ) reported somewhat different data compared with thetwo previously mentioned studies. The responses to ACh were unalteredin diabetic arterioles. Although the fractional N G -nitro- L -arginine methyl ester( L -NAME)-induced decrease in afferent diameter was lower indiabetic rats, absolute changes were greater in diabeticvessels. This discrepancy was attributable to differences inbaseline diameters between control and diabetic rats. Furthermore, theauthors performed direct intraluminal NO measurements and observed amarked increase in NO concentrations in diabetic vessels afterperfusion with a high-glucose perfusate. The authors also explored thevasoactive effects of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). TheAGE-containing perfusate induced no changes in diabetic vessels,although it blunted responses to ACh. Thus these findings are onlypartially consistent with previously mentioned studies by Bucala et al.( 14 ) and do not suggest a substantial role for AGE in NO quenching.
/ L% _" L/ m, n( m8 Q8 _  ?8 O( k# _* R% Z7 y( b: ]; S- h
An interplay between NO and ANG II was addressed by Schoonmaker et al.( 111 ). Control afferent arterioles had enhancedvasoconstrictor responses to ANG II when pretreated with L -NNA. In contrast, L -NNA-treated and untreatedarteries harvested from diabetic rats demonstrated no differences inANG II-induced vasoconstriction. Moreover, responses of efferentarterioles were similar in control and diabetic rats ( 111 ). These observations corresponded to previousfindings in rabbit afferent arteriolar preparations microperfused witha normal and high-glucose (30 mM) perfusate ( 6 ) andsuggested attenuated NO action in counterbalancing the effects of ANGII specifically in afferent arterioles in diabetes and/or hyperglycemia." |  w" o0 b4 L2 l' B% f0 |5 u+ v

% e$ \+ k" R! g+ q$ hDiabetes-associated changes in the NO system have also beeninvestigated in isolated renal arteries. It is likely that observations in renal arteries reflect changes in the vascular system in general rather than contribute to an understanding of specific renal processes. However, controversial findings in this area may signal some specific features of the renal arteries compared with other large-conduit vessels that usually display diabetes-induced defects inendothelium-dependent vasodilation ( 99 ). Dai et al.( 25 ) reported that the defect in ACh-induced vasodilationin diabetic rats was ameliorated by pretreatment with a hydroxylradical scavenger or with a blockade of prostaglandinH 2 -thromboxane A 2 receptors. Corresponding to studies in other experimental settings ( 23, 90, 109 ),these data suggest an impairment of NO endothelial production or action in diabetic arteries, possibly mediated by the increased production ofROS and prostanoids that oppose the effects of NO. However, more recentstudies in that model found unchanged responses to ACh in renalarteries from insulin-treated diabetic rats preconstricted withserotonin and even enhanced responses to insulin compared with controls( 130, 131 ). In contrast to data by Dai et al. ( 25 ), enhanced responses to ACh and to NOS inhibition havealso been reported in renal arteries harvested from untreatedalloxan-diabetic rabbits ( 3 ).
; w& g5 r+ @2 i* e8 Q0 B
3 r+ x/ Q  x# m' gUnlike the studies in cultured renal cells, evaluation of renalvascular reactivity in vitro has provided more controversial evidence,suggesting enhanced, normal, or decreased NO synthesis and activity inthe diabetic kidney (Table 1 ). These contrasting findings cannot beexplained by species differences, differences in duration of diabetes,metabolic control, or the presence or absence of insulin treatment.
* Q% X7 z% `+ c! N6 E& n1 H2 N2 Z! G% I
One of the factors that could possibly explain differences among atleast some of these studies could relate to the method ofpreconstriction of isolated vessels. There is evidence suggesting thatdifferent vasoconstrictor stimuli may alter responses to ACh inafferent arterioles ( 43 ). Different constrictors may alsoexert variable effects on basal vascular tone and, as in the case ofserotonin, even activate eNOS ( 107 ).
6 Z) c3 I; ^& h- v
3 L5 g* A( G5 }1 @; ]. ^( DSeveral caveats of in vitro approaches in evaluating the renal NOsystem in diabetes in general merit consideration. The in vitro studiesmay not precisely reflect the diabetic milieu, which is determined notonly by high glucose. For example, most of the in vitro evidenceregarding the effects of glucose on cellular NO systems has beenobtained by using media glucose concentrations from 25 to 33 mM. Theclinical correlate would be severely decompensated diabetes, which isknown to be associated with renal vasoconstriction as a result not onlyof specific effects of glucose on renal cells but also of physiologicalcompensation for volume depletion and electrolyte wasting( 50 ). However, as specifically discussed below, earlystages of nephropathy are characterized by glomerular hyperperfusion,which has important pathophysiological implications and is prominent inthe more clinically applicable model of moderate hyperglycemia(15-20 mM) ( 52, 162 ). Consequently, it is beneficial to use an in vitro approach to precisely model a particular condition and obtain answers to specific questions. However, the in vitro datashould be interpreted with caution, considering functional alterationstypical in the early stages of diabetic nephropathy.
4 p* g1 n8 S; N( U+ A) l# e& x4 o- R8 L& s
Several in vitro studies also focused on the effects of hyperglycemiaon iNOS-derived NO in renal cell cultures ( 113 ).Considering the relatively weak in vivo evidence for the role of iNOSin diabetes-induced alterations in the renal NO system, these papersare not discussed in this review. Consequently, we also do not discussin vitro studies in mesangial cells. With respect to prevailingevidence, this cell type does not express constitutive NOS( 68 ).
  z6 i) d# W; y  o/ m7 e* g- A
6 c# t9 p2 w# i- X
0 f! S1 @: H- G% f' pExpression of NOS Isoforms in the Diabetic Kidney In Vivo
1 B1 t1 ?$ X6 c% M0 ^1 |
9 I3 P; V; t1 ^& `* m0 j1 aA number of studies have examined renal NOS expression in diabetesin vivo (Table 2 ). Some of the studiesmentioned in this section combined measurements of NOS expression withrenal hemodynamics and will be discussed further in the followingsections. Choi et al. ( 19 ) found markedly increased renalcortical expression of all NOS isoforms in streptozotocin(STZ)-diabetic rats; medullary expression of NOS was not different fromcontrols. Another group ( 118 ) found enhancedimmunohistochemical expression and NADPH diaphorase staining,reflecting constitutive NOS activity, in endothelia of afferent but notefferent arterioles of STZ-diabetic rats. Enhanced NADPH diaphorasestaining was associated with increased afferent diameter, increasedglomerular filtration rate (GFR) assessed by creatinine clearance, andglomerular hypertrophy. These changes were corrected by insulintreatment or by treatment with L -NAME. Inaccordance with the previous report, Veelken et al. ( 141 )reported increased cortical eNOS expression in untreated hyperfilteringdiabetic rats. In addition, increased medullary expressions of nNOS andeNOS were found in the medulla of diabetic rats treated with insulin( 115 ).) x! `9 F* O# X0 T( X& Y
4 {. z9 M4 G) @0 Q  q6 b2 o  c
Table 2. Studies on effects of diabetes on NOS renal expression in vivo6 f; {' ^' A: f1 o, a

* j: s2 `0 D9 l, y6 E7 ZEarly studies that focused on nNOS immunoreactivity in MD cellsreported less intense immunohistochemical staining for constitutive NOS(presumably nNOS) in MD and glomerular arterioles in rats with diabetesfor various durations ( 157 ). In concert with those findings, Keynan et al. ( 60 ) reported decreased nNOS mRNAand diaphorase MD staining in rats at 7 days of diabetes. Furthermore, they found no differences in cortical eNOS between control and diabeticrats. Unlike most of the studies dealing with this issue, they founddecreased urinary nitrite/nitrate excretion (U NOx V) indiabetic rats compared with controls.: a8 N) I/ D% j* ?) ]+ r6 {

* q% ~( Z) X# Y6 H) m/ WMost recent analyses also do not provide unequivocal evidence. Ishii etal. ( 54 ) found no differences in cortical expression ofNOS isoforms between diabetic animals and controls. Diaphorase stainingalso did not differ among groups. Another study ( 92 ), using whole kidney samples, found no change in nNOS and increased eNOSin female rats after 4 wk of diabetes. In addition, whole kidney eNOSand iNOS mRNAs evaluated by RT-PCR were unchanged in diabetic rats( 112 ). Finally, increased eNOS expression was found inpurified renal vascular trees of diabetic rats ( 26 ).* w0 f6 d1 d" }( d7 m

/ R" A9 E; f7 W# e1 t  f4 ~- m6 uThus it appears that consensus can be reached with respect to eNOSexpression. Most of the available evidence suggests increased expression of this isoform in the diabetic renal cortex. There aredisparate findings concerning nNOS, suggesting increased, normal, ordecreased expression (Table 2 ). It should be noted that a decrease innNOS in the diabetic renal cortex has been observed only in ratswithout insulin treatment. With the exception of one study( 19 ), iNOS cortical protein and mRNA expression have beenfound to be unchanged ( 54, 112 ) or barely detectable ( 119, 141 ) during the hyperfiltering stage. Twoobservations suggest that iNOS is detectable in the renal cortex ofrats with long-term diabetes. iNOS was immunohistochemically detectedin glomeruli of rats after 1 yr of diabetes but not in controlage-matched animals ( 119 ). Another long-term study (32 wk)demonstrated weak glomerular expression in both control and diabeticrats ( 116 ) but no differences between the groups.
$ D1 L* H6 Y8 c, V0 l$ Y
, C# M% _' \* _& A& N& B/ |0 wDisparate findings have also been reported in studies that determinedrenal NOS activity by a citrulline generation assay. Keynan et al.( 60 ) found decreased cortical NOS activity. However, onemight question the validity of the assay in this particular studybecause NOS activity was not detectable in the medulla, which shouldhave much higher NOS activity than the cortex ( 154 ). Incontrast, Omer et al. ( 91 ) and Ishii et al.( 54 ) found increased cortical NOS activity in diabeticrats. Importantly, these studies differed in the absence( 60 ) or presence ( 54, 91 ) of insulin treatment.
/ R! ~( V, T) W/ h8 F/ V2 Z
* z5 A( S1 q: X0 l
Early stages of diabetic nephropathy are associated with increasesin GFR and variable increases in renal plasma flow (RPF) and filtrationfraction, both clinically and experimentally ( 5 ). This"diabetic hyperfiltration" has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy both in humans as well as in animal models ofdiabetes ( 49, 83, 105, 160, 161 ). At the single-nephron level, diabetic hyperfiltration is characterized by disproportionately decreased afferent arteriolar resistance, resulting in elevated glomerular capillary pressure (P GC ) ( 50, 90, 160 ). Considering the renal hemodynamic actions of NO, thissubstance is a good candidate for mediating diabetic hyperfiltration.In this section, we will discuss studies exploring acutehemodynamic effects of modulation of NO synthesis in vivo (Table 3 ).
; E. v; J6 ^3 T( m1 F& s+ u4 S/ I8 z6 \' N+ V' ?# w
Table 3. Studies on effects of NOS modulation on renal hemodynamics in models ofdiabetes8 P5 r. F4 e2 r6 q0 k/ f
3 G+ u7 v% h6 a) {0 k! [& ^6 m
Most of the evidence concerning the role of NO in control of renalhemodynamics in diabetes was obtained using nonspecific NOS inhibitors.More recently, several studies have attempted to test the activity ofindividual NOS isoforms with newly available isoform-specificinhibitors. In a number of these studies, GFR and RPF were measured asclearances of inulin and PAH using constant-infusion techniques.Despite the explosive developments in molecular biology, we considersuch evidence as the gold standard when evaluating the role of aparticular substance in the control of renal hemodynamics in vivo. Inaddition to measurements of renal hemodynamics, these studies have alsooften relied on measurements of U NOx V and urinary cGMP asmarkers of renal NO production.
" }0 S: t  |/ l& \$ f
( f7 O, y* z6 v, wTo our knowledge, the first in vivo evidence indicating that modulationof NO synthesis could influence renal hemodynamics in diabetes wasreported in an abstract by King et al. ( 62 ). Theirpreliminary data showed a major renal vasoconstrictor effect of apressor dose of NOS inhibitor, suggesting greater NO dependence ofrenal hemodynamics in diabetic compared with control rats. Full papersby other groups addressing this issue followed shortly. Bank andAynedjian ( 8 ) found an increase in U NOx V inhyperfiltering diabetic rats, consistent with increased NO production.However, when administered increasing doses of NLA, both diabetic andnormal rats had similar decreases in GFR and RPF. Despite thesedisparate findings, the authors concluded that NO synthesis wasincreased in hyperfiltering diabetic rats and that excessive NOsynthesis contributed to hyperfiltration. Tolins et al.( 128 ) also found increased U NOx V inhyperfiltering diabetic rats. However, NOS inhibition with L -NAME normalized GFR in diabetic rats and induced greatervasoconstrictor responses under various perfusion pressures. Importantly, perfusion pressure was modified independently of thesystemic blood pressure changes that would usually be associated withsystemic NOS inhibition. Thus both excretion of stable metabolites ofNO and renal hemodynamic responses suggested enhanced renal generationof NO and its contribution to the pathogenesis of diabetic hyperfiltration.6 e5 y3 @1 q* {  {$ u3 |5 S' b
: }- @- S2 i% E. f
We evaluated the effects of L -NAME in conscious control andhyperfiltering diabetic rats ( 63 ). At a low dose of L -NAME, diabetic rats demonstrated a blunted mean arterialpressure (MAP) response and a proportionately significant reduction inGFR and RPF compared with controls. At a supramaximal dose, the L -NAME-induced rise in MAP was similar indiabetic and control rats. However, renal vasoconstriction was greaterin the diabetic animals. U NOx V was increased in diabeticrats and significantly reduced by low-dose L -NAME.Furthermore, diabetic rats demonstrated no response to the NO donorglyceryl trinitrate (GTN), which induced significant renal vasodilationin control rats. We interpreted the lack of a GTN effect in thediabetic kidney as a further indication of enhanced NO productionand/or signaling that cannot be significantly altered by additional NO.Interestingly, this phenomenon was later quoted in support of impairedNO actions in the diabetic kidney ( 96 ). These results, inaccordance with the previous study, suggested a role for NO in thepathogenesis of hyperfiltration and increased renal NO generation indiabetes. Similar data, i.e., significant reduction in hyperfiltrationin anesthetized diabetic rats in response to L -NAME, werethen reported by Mattar et al. ( 78 ) and in several studiesthat focused on other issues ( 118, 141 ). Furthermore,extensive studies by Omer et al. ( 91 ) confirmed ourfindings in virgin and pregnant normal and diabetic rats. Both groupsdemonstrated marked hyperfiltration that was nearly normalized by L -NNA. Moreover, substantial increases in RPF in diabeticanimals, further enhanced by pregnancy, also showed marked sensitivityto NOS inhibition. Similar to our studies ( 63 ), the MAPresponse was attenuated in virgin diabetic animals compared withcontrols. These hemodynamic observations were associated with parallelchanges in U NOx V and increased baseline NO renal generationas assessed by the citrulline generation assay. Interestingly, thisgroup also found an enhanced response to ACh in aortic rings fromdiabetic rats ( 91 ).
, k3 K: X. O0 `- i! w" ?
  e+ X0 G0 i( j6 ?! j6 zMost recently, the effects of nonspecific NOS inhibition were evaluatedin hydronephrotic kidneys of control and moderately hyperglycemicfemale rats at 6 wk of diabetes ( 26 ). This model was usedto allow intravital microscopy for evaluations of changes in renalvascular diameters. Increased vasoconstrictor responses to L -NAME in diabetic rats, suggesting local hyperproductionand activity of NO, were apparent in all segments of the renalvasculature. One might argue that using the hydronephrotic kidney modelinvolves factors other than the diabetic milieu that would alter local NO production and therefore complicate interpretation of the results. However, renal vascular responses were in good accord with eNOS proteinexpression determined in vascular trees of intact kidneys.% u: O* q, N* `
7 [" i) C. u5 w6 a- U
Not all authors have found enhanced whole kidney hemodynamic responsesto NO inhibition. Using Doppler probes, Kiff et al. ( 61 )found similar responses to L -NAME in conscious control anddiabetic rats. Another study ( 37 ) reported rathercontroversial observations. In basal conditions, diabetic ratsdemonstrated marked increases in creatinine clearance (C Cr )and U NOx V compared with controls. L -Argincreased U NOx V in controls but not in diabetic rats. L -NAME had no effect in controls but decreasedU NOx V in diabetic animals. In further studies,uninephrectomized control and diabetic rats were evaluated after 60 minof renal ischemia. Control rats responded with less severedecreases in C Cr and higher U NOx V, whereasdiabetic animals demonstrated an opposite trend that was furtheraggravated by L -NAME. Despite the finding in basalconditions, the authors concluded that renal NO production is defectivein diabetes ( 37 ). Given the pathophysiological complexityof ischemic renal failure, it is also unclear whether kidneysafter 60 min of total occlusion of the renal artery represent anappropriate model for studies of the NO system in diabetes.
0 V" B  N- D* ]5 D9 k7 h
1 m3 m( l: U; L: w2 |Pflueger et al. ( 96 ) applied videomicroscopy in controland STZ-diabetic rats to assess cortical and medullary blood flow insuperficial cortical capillaries and papillary vasa recta. Diabeticrats demonstrated basal increases in these parameters, as well asincreases in GFR (measured as inulin clearance in the contralateralkidney) and plasma NOx levels. U NOx V did not differ betweencontrol and diabetic rats. Despite increased blood flow and a higherGFR, diabetic rats showed attenuated responses of the cortical andpapillary microcirculations to both systemic NOS inhibition with L -NMMA and stimulation of NO synthesis with L -Arg. The unresponsiveness of NO synthesis inhibition wasgreatest in cortical capillaries. Thus, despite baselinehyperperfusion, these data suggest a defect in renal, and particularlyrenal cortical, NO production or action in diabetes in vivo. In aparallel study, the same group reported increased sensitivity ofdiabetic renal vasculature to adenosine due to defectivecounterregulatory NO production ( 97 ). Of note, increasesin GFR observed in contralateral kidneys in diabetic rats werenormalized by NOS inhibition. It is not clear how measurements of asingle capillary diameter and red blood cell velocity relate to thetraditional methods for determining renal function, because the changesin GFR were not reflected by the effects of NOS inhibition on corticalcapillaries in the contralateral kidney.: P& G1 t  C5 G6 k2 k/ d

) \* _1 H% g6 J" G/ S7 L& h. d5 wWhereas the preceding studies relied on nonspecific NOS inhibitors, thecontribution of individual NOS isoforms to NO production in thediabetic kidney has only recently been evaluated. Research in thisdirection has been accelerated by the availability of new inhibitorsthat selectively block NOS isoforms.; m9 q( |) `/ C% d( b
" G' v: {! ?( ]3 Q- v8 ~
Studies by Wang et al. ( 146 ) represent a less frequentlyused approach to investigate in vivo whole kidney responses to NO modulation. In these studies, the authors evaluated responses tointravenous infusion of ACh. Therefore, these studies could beinterpreted as exploring isoform-specific NO production (eNOS). Therenal vasodilator response to ACh was diminished in diabetic rats butnot in normoglycemic diabetic rats. Acute treatment with insulin didnot restore the response to ACh, although the blood glucose level wasnormalized. These in vivo experiments further supported the in vitrodata by this group ( 146 ), suggesting reduced NObioavailability and/or impaired signaling in the renal vascular endothelium and the previously discussed possible defects inreceptor-mediated eNOS stimulation.. O; Q6 d. v& i  Q
3 B3 _7 R: _7 l) T7 x3 r+ r$ _2 V
There is abundant literature suggesting defective endothelium-dependent(i.e., eNOS dependent) NO production or function in diabetes, inapparent contrast to observations of substantial NO dependency of renalhemodynamics in hyperfiltering rats, as revealed with nonspecific NOSinhibitors. We hypothesized that increased renal nNOS activity couldexplain this paradox. This isoform is expressed in MD cells ( 7, 150 ), and nNOS-derived NO in MD decreases predominantly afferentarteriolar tone ( 51, 150 ), contributes to control ofintraglomerular pressure ( 124, 150 ), and counteractsafferent vasoconstriction induced by activation of tubuloglomerularfeedback (TGF) ( 51 ). We explored the acute effects ofsystemic nNOS inhibition with the specific nNOS inhibitor S -methyl- L -thiocitrulline (SMTC)( 89 ) in diabetic rats ( 66 ). SMTC inducedstronger renal vasoconstriction responses in diabetic compared withcontrol animals. Renal vasoconstriction was partly opposed by ANG IIAT 1 receptor blockade, suggesting an interaction ofnNOS-derived NO with ANG II. Further studies were designed to diminishthe possible systemic effects of SMTC ( 64 ). When administered directly into the abdominal aorta above the left renalartery, SMTC did not influence MAP but nearly normalized GFR inhyperfiltering diabetic rats. These observations indicate that nNOScontributes to altered renal NO production and hemodynamics inexperimental diabetes. Renal hemodynamic effects of SMTC were attenuated in normoglycemic diabetic rats, suggesting that alterations in nNOS activity are related to the level of metabolic control. Moreover, the nonspecific NOS inhibitor L -NAME did notinfluence GFR but further decreased RPF in diabetic rats pretreatedwith SMTC. These data suggest that nNOS is the major isoformresponsible for hyperfiltration, although other isoforms act in concertwith nNOS in the control of renal perfusion.
, v3 `% f) l  a$ d  [) Z
9 a8 W; H, ^0 ?0 z& d, _+ s5 x) eSimilar results regarding the role of nNOS were more recently reportedby Ito et al. ( 55 ), using a different nNOS inhibitor [7-nitro indazole (7-NI)]. Furthermore, data by Schwartz et al. ( 112 ), showing enhanced renal hemodynamic response to anonspecific NOS inhibitor, in conjunction with an absence of responseto the iNOS blocker L - N 6 -(1-iminoethyl)lysine( L -NIL) and unchanged renal iNOS and eNOS mRNA expressions,indirectly point to nNOS. Further indirect support for the role of nNOSin diabetic alterations in glomerular hemodynamics can be derived fromobservations that the activity of TGF is blunted in diabetes( 135 ). The physiological roles of nNOS-derived NO ( 51 ) and its suggested higher production by MD cells indiabetes are consistent with this abnormality. In addition, Veelken et al. ( 141 ) reported the lack of effect of a selective iNOSinhibitor, L -NIL, in contrast to the effect of L -NAME, on renal hemodynamics in conscious STZ-diabeticrats. Because cortical eNOS expression was increased in diabetic rats,the authors suggested the role of eNOS in the pathogenesis ofhyperfiltration. However, these findings do not exclude the possibilitythat nNOS is involved in the process, because the reduction of GFR wasachieved with a nonspecific NOS inhibitor.' l6 h# A+ b+ d" Q- ^0 d. b  C

. A0 u9 f0 B( L  h, G+ MUnlike in vitro and in vivo studies focusing on renal NOS expression,we are able to identify some differences in in vivo hemodynamicstudies, suggesting enhanced renal NO production/activity in diabetesand those studies reporting opposite data. There is a clear distinctionbetween the two lines of evidence with respect to methods ofmeasurements of renal function. In those studies that used formalclearance techniques to determine GFR and RPF, diabetic ratsdemonstrated hyperfiltration and enhanced responses to NOS inhibition,suggesting increased renal production and/or activity. In contrast,studies with contrary evidence used either C Cr ortechniques requiring extensive instrumentation ( 96, 97 ).
, d) t! L  q) F' G+ i, o7 m) [4 L9 F6 x. e) I- Y) _5 ]* l
Another factor that could influence the outcome of these studies is thepresence or absence of insulin treatment. Those investigators who usedinsulin treatment to achieve moderate hyperglycemia have generallyfound hyperfiltration and enhanced hemodynamic responses to NOSinhibition. One might argue that decreased renal hemodynamic responsiveness to NOS inhibitors has also been observed in moderately hyperglycemic rats. However, in those studies, despite an absence ofexogenous insulin treatment, residual endogenous insulin secretion prevented severe hyperglycemia ( 96, 97 ). As discussedbelow, the combination of moderate hyperglycemia and exogenous insulin treatment may be a crucial factor creating the milieu for NO-dependent diabetic hyperfiltration. This interpretation is in accord with theavailable micropuncture data ( 110 ). An exception to this rule may be the elegant studies of Carmines et al. ( 90, 111 ). However, the technique used by that group (evaluation ofarteriolar diameters in isolated blood-perfused nephrons) is still anin vitro technique. Consequently, arterioles and glomeruli in diabetic animals are not exposed to the same metabolic milieu as occurs in vivo.* W' J6 F1 P- [  C% Y9 J. ~: F- N
+ g& [8 K4 z' K; `
Many in vivo studies have buttressed their conclusions of enhancedrenal NO production by demonstration of increased U NOx V. However, these measurements should be interpreted with caution. Considering present knowledge of the distribution of NOS activities inthe kidney ( 154 ), and studies by Suto et al.( 120 ) that directly addressed this issue, it is clear thatmeasurements of urinary NOx can hardly reflect NO changes in thecortex. Although some attempts to directly determine renal NOproduction in vivo have been communicated, our present knowledge stillrelies mostly on indirect indicators of renal NOS activity. Directmeasurements of NO in the kidney represent some of the challenges forfuture research.2 Y/ F2 e& h/ b: d

% ~, o# n: o+ r4 B0 nPieper ( 98 ) has suggested that the duration of diabetes isan important determinant for NO production in the vascular system, evolving from an increase during the early stages, followed by a periodof normal production, and then to a decrease in production as theduration of the disease increases. However, this construct does notreally explain the discrepancies in published data regarding eitherrenal NOS expression or in vivo studies of hemodynamics. The evidenceremains controversial irrespective of the duration of diabetes.; v6 F2 Y; A$ y- o4 c3 M
! V% G3 E( t2 K1 b7 F/ H$ ~
Effects of Long-Term Modulation of NO Synthesis in the DiabeticKidney  ~/ Q4 V& g& l- O- N3 P
. D, O+ Z" s) V: W
One would expect that long-term modulation of NO would ultimatelyanswer many questions regarding the role of NO in the development ofdiabetic nephropathy. However, even these types of studies have notprovided unequivocal data. Several studies have suggested anephroprotective role of NO in the development of nephropathy indiabetic rats. Reyes et al. ( 103 ) found lower proteinuria and amelioration of hyperfiltration in STZ-diabetic rats after 14 wk of L -Arg treatment. However, this study reported several findings that are difficult to interpret. Administration of L -Arg did not lead to increased cGMP and U NOx V;in fact, these parameters were lower in treated rats. Thus the studyfailed to provide proof that the decrease in proteinuria was mediatedvia increased renal NO production. Paradoxically, in both vehicle- and L -Arg-treated diabetic rats, urinary protein excretion washigher at baseline than after treatment, and the achieved valuesexceeded levels seen in animals with severe glomerulosclerosis.Furthermore, histological evaluation did not reveal any differences inglomerulosclerosis scores between L -Arg-treated andvehicle-treated rats.0 ~+ X: |, a! v; S- h8 |4 d

& G, \$ u" P3 ?* ?" w4 R* f! DFurther evidence for a possible renoprotective role of NO indiabetes was reported by Craven et al. ( 21 ).STZ-diabetic rats received nonpressor doses of L -NAME for 4 wk. At the end of the study, L -NAME-treated rats had slightly but significantly higher albuminuria, although still in the microgram range. Importantly, renaltransforming growth factor- (TGF- ) was increased in treated rats.However, the study was too short to determine whether chronic nonpressor L -NAME could accelerate the course ofnephropathy. This issue was addressed by Soulis et al.( 116 ), who found no effect of chronic (6 mo) treatmentwith a nonpressor dose of L -NAME on the progression ofnephropathy in STZ-diabetic rats. In addition, corresponding to ouracute studies ( 64 ), our preliminary data suggest thatlong-term nNOS inhibition with a nonpressor dose of SMTC modestlyretards development of renal injury in diabetes ( 67 ).
) T1 K  K1 n; |& i) N
" F/ S/ u: e( C) h% D6 V9 E# n  E7 w. S! T! a8 {# F, x
In the previous sections, we focused on individual studies,pointed out some differences, and attempted to find some explanation for disparate findings in studies with generally similar designs. Inthe following paragraphs, we will discuss additional controversial issues that arise when one analyzes particular aspects of renal NOphysiology and pathophysiology with respect to the pathogenesis ofdiabetic nephropathy. To shed light on the issues, we will include someevidence from the extrarenal literature. Although we will discuss thefollowing issues separately, it is apparent that they represent aconglomerate of interacting mechanisms.
8 }5 \7 `$ b( H6 l8 A) A8 q# m
6 s' a$ j) O1 S. n. `* G) {Changes in eNOS Conformation and Generation of ROS9 {; Z) s2 ^7 x; i" `
0 y( t- }$ e8 T0 a$ X4 |" |
To function as NO-producing enzymes, NOS requires a battery ofcofactors, conformational changes, and fatty acid acylations responsible for membrane targeting of the enzyme (reviewed in Refs. 39 and 81 ). A traditional pathway of eNOS activation involves receptor stimulation by agonists such as ACh or bradykinin, resulting in a mobilization of intracellular Ca 2  andconsequent interaction of calmodulin and eNOS, releasing the enzymefrom an inhibitory complex with caveolin-1 ( 58 ). On moreprolonged agonist stimulation, eNOS may be released from its membranelocation and translocated to other subcellular compartments. Thisreversible translocation may represent a mechanism to downregulate ordisconnect the enzyme from receptor occupancy ( 76 ).8 u/ [4 l' j% e- d( L* _# M

! y6 j7 n) Z, L  S# ?' @; zIn addition to synthesizing NO, purified NOS catalyzesO 2 − formation under certain conditions, such astetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) or L -Arg deficiency ( 102, 138, 139, 155, 156 ). In this "uncoupled state," electronsflowing from the NOS reductase domain to the oxygenase domain arediverted to molecular oxygen rather than to L -Arg( 139, 148, 155 ). Thus NOS acts as an enzyme with dualfunctions, capable of producing both NO and ROS. It has been proposedthat formation of a dimer is crucial for NO production by NOS( 45 ). BH4 and calmodulin have been suggested as moleculesessential for dimer formation, although there the evidence for BH4 iscontroversial ( 45 ).
7 m" U2 ?2 u- h6 b' k
! }4 U/ {: _4 DEnhanced production of ROS appears to be an important mechanism in thepathophysiology of diabetic complications, including nephropathy. Theirrole has been validated in long-term studies ( 71, 80 ). ROSmay be involved in diabetes-induced alterations in lipids and proteins,cellular signaling ( 40 ), as well as inactivation of NO.After generation by these enzymes, O 2 − may undergoreaction with NO, resulting in formation of cytotoxic ONOO, or may be transformed into the more stable radicalH 2 O 2. This reaction is catalyzed by SOD.H 2 O 2 is further metabolized by catalase. Twostudies determined nitrosylated protein (NT) expression in diabetickidneys by Western blotting as a measure of ONOO formation ( 54, 92 ). Both studies found increases in this parameter in diabetic kidneys, indicating enhanced interaction betweenNO and O 2 −. However, those studies did not provideinformation about localization of NT in the kidney. Furthermore, in thelatter study ( 93 ), renal tissue was analyzed as a wholewithout separation of cortex and medulla. Considering high NOSactivities in the medulla, it is not clear how much ONOO was formed in that compartment. Postmortem human data show increased NTformation in proximal tubules of patients with long-standing diabetescompared with kidneys from patients with glomerulonephritis or normalkidneys ( 125 ). Thus far, then, there is no proof of enhanced NT formation in the renal vascular tree in diabetes.
" Y7 |8 ?2 b6 U/ B7 c* u7 i. R- {
5 ~' T( w0 i4 ?8 @2 |7 \! B- XThere are several sources of ROS ( 108 ). Some investigatorshave addressed the question of whether eNOS could be an important source of ROS in diabetes. Cosentino et al. ( 20 ) reportedincreased eNOS expression associated with parallel increases in NO andO 2 − in human aortic endothelial cells exposed to highglucose (22.2 mM) for 5 days. Hink et al. ( 46 ) found thatimpaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in STZ-diabetic rats wasassociated with increased vascular eNOS expression and ROS production.Because the increase in ROS production by diabetic vessels wascorrected by NOS inhibition, the results suggested uncoupled eNOS as animportant source of ROS in diabetic arteries. In addition, the authorsshowed that PKC inhibition might prevent eNOS uncoupling. Themechanisms described in aortic tissue could also be active in thekidney. Indeed, Ishii et al. ( 54 ) have recentlydemonstrated increased NOS activity and larger quantities ofO 2 − produced in the diabetic rat kidney cortex.Further evidence suggests that eNOS uncoupling could be prevented byBH4, identifying diabetes as a state of BH4 depletion( 99 ).
, \" E3 k: b9 m1 H/ K5 }3 i- z: s# x& ]5 }9 f  @
In an aforementioned in vitro report, L -Arg had improvedbasal, but not ACh-stimulated, cGMP production by isolated glomeruli ( 23 ). This phenomenon suggests a specificglucose-induced defect in receptor-mediated eNOS activation,mediated by factors already mentioned ( 23 ) or, forexample, by ROS-induced alterations in eNOS-caveolae interactions, eNOScellular localization, and cofactor integrity ( 56, 95 ).1 Y2 `+ w, F2 L5 X3 ?; J# Q( B
: s$ [: {& }1 G+ G! _" @
The fact that eNOS undergoes important posttranslational changes andprotein-protein interactions documents the importance of more detailedexperimental approaches in evaluating NOS expression in the diabetickidney. For example, the changes in renal expression of NOS mRNA ortotal protein in the diabetic kidney may not reflect the functionalstatus of the enzyme. Because most of the evidence concerning eNOSexpression in the diabetic kidney has not taken into account thequaternary structure of NOS and other posttranslational modifications,it is difficult to draw links between most of the available knowledgeconcerning renal NOS expression and its function. Considering thedisparate findings in some studies focusing on eNOS-mediated vascularreactivity in diabetes, it is possible that the results depend on theactual balance between NO and O 2 −. This balance couldbe influenced by a number of factors, including the experimental technique.; R  {* O* ~, x3 }4 c$ ]9 {
& ?! C9 n1 W$ y; [* m3 ^) K
We have recently attempted to address some of these issues. Ourpreliminary data suggest alterations in some of those posttranslational modifications and other functionally important characteristics, such asdecreased formation of the NO-producing eNOS dimer, alterations inmembrane eNOS targeting, and eNOS- caveolin-1 interaction in thediabetic renal cortex ( 65 ). Further documenting the need for more detailed analytic approaches to assess renal NOS, apreliminary report by Carmines et al. ( 15 ) demonstratedreduced renal cortical expression and function of heat shock protein 90 in diabetes, another protein cofactor facilitating eNOS catalytic activities.
" d5 S2 w9 t! T" P. x
  h- F& N+ t1 f0 b5 s& [Considering the data from long-term studies ( 71, 80 ), onewould not question the contribution of ROS to the development ofnephropathy, although beneficial effects of antioxidant treatment remain to be established in large clinical trials. However, the datasuggesting the contribution of NO-ROS interactions to alterations inrenal vasomotor function in diabetes raise several questions. First,this evidence suggests that O 2 −, a renalvasoconstrictor, decreases bioavailability of NO or limits thebuffering capacity of NO against vasoconstrictors ( 111 ). Therefore, one would expect that the net effect of this imbalance wouldresult in renal vasoconstriction. However, this is difficult toreconcile with the fact of diabetic hyperfiltration. Unlike most of theother groups, Carmines et al. ( 16 ) have offered anexplanation for this contradiction. They suggested that a decrease inafferent arteriolar tone in diabetes is a result of a functional defectin afferent arteriolar voltage-gated Ca 2  channels, leadingto impaired vasoconstriction. In addition, studies in isolated nephronsand arterioles ( 90, 109 ) that provided the most compellingevidence for the ROS-NO interaction in the control of renalhemodynamics in diabetes did not take into account NO fromnonendothelial sources, such as MD.
' c( b! \1 F$ C( ?3 d/ }4 b& E5 q& U6 ~* }% l: w( H; x9 K
Second, we are not aware of any evidence demonstrating the effect ofO 2 − scavenging with SOD or a SOD mimetic on basalarteriolar tone in diabetic rats. Considering theNO-O 2 − interaction, one would expect enhancedSOD-induced afferent vasodilator responses not only during AChstimulation ( 109 ) but also in the basal, unstimulatedstate. However, the SOD mimetic tempol did not alter basal afferenttone in diabetic rabbits ( 109 ). Corresponding to vascularreactivity studies, antioxidant treatment did not alter basal mesangialcell NO production in high-glucose media ( 132 ).
2 B( Q9 b7 _4 M  f2 Q  ~
- @; O( S: n) `' lThird, O 2 − dismutation by SOD results in formation ofH 2 O 2. Unlike O 2 −, H 2 O 2 acts as a renal vasodilator ( 108, 137 ). Provided that renal arteriolar NO and O 2 − are produced in large quantities, vascular responses to SOD aredetermined by protection of NO from quenching, by the elimination ofthe vasoconstrictor actions of O 2 −, and by furthervasodilator effects of H 2 O 2. It has beensuggested that H 2 O 2 could be one of putativeendothelial vasodilators often referred to as endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor ( 137 ). Therefore, the effects ofSOD on ACh-stimulated vascular reactivity may be attributable, in part, to H 2 O 2. However, it should be noted that therole of H 2 O 2 is not supported by data obtainedwith tempol. This substance has similar effects to those of SOD onNO-dependent responses in diabetes, but it also enhancesH 2 O 2 dismutation ( 72 ), presumablyeliminating the contribution of H 2 O 2. Fourth,the most persuasive evidence for potentiation of NO-dependentvasodilation by O 2 − quenching was obtained in vitro.In vitro systems may be predisposed to the formation of ROS. One ofthose mechanisms could be a lack of L -Arg in cultivationmedia or perfusion solutions. As already mentioned, eNOS uncouplingcould be enhanced in situations with reduced substrate availability( 139 ). In contrast, in vivo studies demonstrated thatantioxidant treatment may normalize hyperfiltration in diabetes( 71 ). Considering the decrease in the filtration fractionin diabetic rats treated with antioxidants observed in that study, onewould expect efferent arteriolar effects of antioxidant treatment.These data suggest that these effects in the renal microvasculature areattributable not only to protection of NO from quenching but also toother mechanisms. One of the mechanisms compatible with the long-termglomerular hemodynamic action of antioxidants could be, for example,inhibition of ANG II signaling via ROS ( 40 ).& Z! c* {% L# b+ c9 g' s6 O
2 V: O# K7 l) I4 W5 P7 d
Effects of Diabetes on Signaling Pathways That Modulate RenalActivity and/or Expression of NOS
' s/ N+ s* V7 w5 x' o
* p* n: c1 w$ r- L* ]In vitro evidence has demonstrated that eNOS is regulated bycoordinated signaling via phosphorylation and dephosphorylation oftyrosine, serine, and threonine amino acid residues ( 32 ). For example, phosphorylation of Ser1177/1179 leads to activation of theenzyme ( 42 ), whereas phosphorylation of Thr495 has an opposite effect ( 33 ). Diabetes, by altering varioussignaling pathways, may theoretically influence the phosphorylationstatus of eNOS and presumably also of other NOS isoenzymes.
# d# R- W5 w' R( J6 r( f
+ B) B& N4 s0 V5 ?- }# eThe impact of PKC activation in the pathophysiology of nephropathy hasbeen well established ( 70 ). Phosphorylation of eNOS by PKCinhibits its catalytic activity ( 47 ), and thisinhibition is accomplished by phosphorylation of Thr495 anddephosphorylation of Ser1177 ( 82 ). Specifically, thePKC- isoform has been implicated in the pathophysiology ofcomplications ( 69 ). This isoform inactivates eNOS inendothelial cells and microvessels of insulin-resistant Zucker rats( 75 ). Identification of the link between PKC and eNOSactivity provides strong support for the concept of NO insufficiency inthe diabetic kidney (Fig. 1 ).0 k$ E/ Q, m; p5 ?

0 X% y- V+ a. i8 _$ E1 X" z0 bFig. 1. Schematic presentation of mechanisms associated withmetabolic milieu that can result in both activation as well assuppression of the renal nitric oxide (NO) system. eNOS and nNOS,endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase, respectively; TGF-,transforming growth factor-.
) o2 X: Q+ a/ |1 B! p
5 c3 d6 `- B, JMore recently, other signaling pathways have been identified asmodulators of NOS activity along with evidence suggesting alterationsof these pathways in diabetes. Akt kinase (PKB), a downstream effectorof phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, has been identified as the kinaseresponsible for Ca 2  -independent activation of eNOS( 29, 34 ). Akt activates eNOS by Ser1177/1179phosphorylation. This kinase has been implicated in cellular signalingof factors relevant to diabetic complications, such as insulin( 162, 163 ), VEGF ( 34 ), ANG II ( 38, 121, 134 ), leptin ( 140, 152 ), TGF- ( 17 ),and shear stress ( 42 ) (Fig. 1 ). Recently, Feliers et al.( 31 ) demonstrated an increase in Akt expression andactivity in the renal cortex of db/db mice, a genetic modelof type 2 diabetes.
4 ?. F% i+ p: i. t, K$ @( u
" G" {4 o: ~. y# h/ M9 }We have repeatedly emphasized the presence or absence of insulintreatment preventing severe hyperglycemia as a possible contributor todisparate findings in a number of the preceding studies. In ouropinion, the crucial role of exogenous insulin is not merely inmodulating blood glucose levels but also in its ability to influence NOsynthesis. Indeed, early after induction of diabetes, residualsecretion of insulin may be sufficient to achieve moderate hyperglycemia. However, to achieve given levels of blood glucose, theamount of exogenous insulin could be substantially greater comparedwith the amount of endogenously secreted hormone. Thus, acting via Akt,insulin could be an independent activator of eNOS in various tissuesincluding the kidney. This pathway would not be reflected, for example,in studies using stimulation with ACh, a widely accepted approach fortesting eNOS function. We cannot exclude that impaired agonist-inducedNO production, as observed in a number of studies, could becounterbalanced by alternative signaling pathways, such as Akt. Localactivation of Akt by hyperinsulinemia may be an example of such asituation (Fig. 1 ).; j8 R- i" j* j* n" s/ z+ G

  @- H2 W! a: j- `Some investigators have suggested a defect in Akt signaling as one ofthe sites of insulin resistance ( 18, 73 ), a hallmark feature of type 2 diabetes. An important issue is whether resistance tometabolic actions of insulin affects not only metabolic but alsovasoactive or renal actions of the hormone. An increase in Aktexpression in the kidney in insulin-resistant mice suggests that thesetwo processes may be separated ( 31 ). However, opposite evidence suggesting resistance to insulin-induced NOS activation alsoexists ( 75 ). Furthermore, another line of in vitroevidence suggests that in high glucose, the Akt-dependentphosphorylation site responsible for eNOS activation can be modified by N -acetyl glucosamine ( 30 ), in a process linkedto mitochondrial O 2 − production. There is alsoconflicting evidence with respect to the possible impact of PKC on Aktsignaling, resulting in eNOS activation ( 75, 133 ).2 A) [0 z+ W8 Y- k& a
- R/ b8 _$ q6 W
Unlike eNOS, there is much less evidence on the effects of insulin anddiabetes-induced signaling pathways on nNOS activity. However, there isindirect evidence from other tissues suggesting that insulin couldactivate nNOS. For example, pial arteriolar vasodilation associatedwith insulin-induced hypoglycemia is mediated by nNOS-derived NO( 106 ). Similar to eNOS, rat nNOS contains an Akt-dependentphosphorylation motif ( 34 ). However, phosphorylation ofthis motif has not been shown to significantly modulate NO productionby the enzyme ( 34 ).
/ W( W5 T! b9 A- g: _: O5 E. g3 z5 P( V9 z' [7 f9 u4 B
Although cellular signaling pathways possibly modulating nNOS activityin the diabetic kidney have not been elucidated, other mechanismsinvolved in renal nNOS regulation have been identified. Importantly,some of these mechanisms may be active in the diabetic kidney. Underphysiological conditions, sodium delivery to the distal tubule is themajor acute determinant of nNOS activity in the MD cells ( 51, 149 ). However, based on micropuncture studies by Vallon et al.( 135 ) showing a decrease in solute content in early distaltubular fluid in diabetic rats, stimulation of nNOS by increased solutedelivery to the MD in diabetes is unlikely. Welch and Wilcox( 147 ) reported that blunting of TGF responses by NO couldbe limited by L -Arg availability in the tubular lumen andby its uptake via the y   transport system. To ourknowledge, the availability of L -Arg in diabetic comparedwith normal kidneys remains unknown. Indirect clues that couldhelp elucidate this issue are rather conflicting. Plasma L -Arg levels are decreased in diabetes ( 100 ),but urinary L -Arg excretion has been reported to bemarkedly increased ( 103 ). Renal nNOS is chronicallyactivated in parallel with the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in suchpathophysiological states as two-kidney, one-clip hypertension,furosemide treatment, or dietary sodium restriction ( 12 ).Assuming that a low-sodium diet decreases distal sodium delivery, thismechanism corresponds to the situation in the distal tubule asdescribed by Vallon et al. ( 135 ) in diabetic rats and thusrepresents a possible pathway resulting in activation of nNOS.
  e! c; d" l. P: P+ o# c: W
  m5 V! u1 O) c0 x. J, INO AND RENAL STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN DIABETES$ `7 W- K. i- y1 w3 ?9 U' u) G; r

' f  L) s3 p3 z- F6 B: YIn the diabetic kidney, most cells undergo hypertrophy. Thisprocess, together with accumulation of extracellular matrix, underliesrenal structural changes in diabetes that are characterized bymesangial expansion ( 93 ), later development ofglomerulosclerosis, and by tubular hypertrophy and later interstitialfibrosis ( 36 ). Data reported by several groups haveprovided evidence that this hypertrophy is, at least in part,attributable to altered cell cycle regulation. This complex process,reviewed elsewhere ( 151 ), is associated with increasedexpression of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors, such asp21 Cip1 and p27 Kip1 ( 74, 153 ),resulting in G 1 -phase arrest ( 151 ). Thesemolecules can be induced by glucose and other mediators of the diabetic milieu, such as glucose-TGF- or RAS-TGF- pathways( 151 ), molecules whose importance in the pathophysiologyof diabetic nephropathy is well documented ( 2 ).
1 G9 A! F: c( l5 Z# Y8 r7 ?+ @+ ?( \' L
Antiproliferative actions of NO on mesangial cells or vascular smoothmuscle cells, and its tendency to shift cells into the hypertrophicphenotype, have been recognized for over a decade ( 35, 57, 144 ). Later studies have provided evidence for mechanisms responsible for these actions ( 41, 53, 114, 122 ). NOdirectly modulates smooth muscle cell cycle progression by upregulation of p21 Cip1 and inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 activity. Thus it appears that NO growth actions in the kidney displaysubstantial similarities to the diabetic milieu. Importantly, theseeffects of NO are independent of cGMP generation ( 122 ).Furthermore, TGF- can induce eNOS in vitro ( 52 ) as wellas in vivo in both diabetic ( 94 ) and nondiabetic tissues( 101, 158 ). TGF- -induced activation of eNOS may involveAkt kinase signaling ( 17, 94 ) (Fig. 1 ).) R; Q3 [+ v) E9 `3 e9 P
0 E( I6 j$ X" \
Another factor implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathyand signaling via Akt is VEGF ( 27 ). Reviewing the data onVEGF well illustrates the controversial nature of evidence discussed inthis review. There is abundant evidence suggesting NO as a mediator ofVEGF actions ( 44, 48, 136 ) (Fig. 1 ). However, some actionsof VEGF presumably mediated by NO, such as endothelial proliferation( 87 ), are not typically observed in the diabetic kidneyand are not in accordance with the effects of NO on cellular trophicstatus discussed above. In contrast, other effects, such as localNO-dependent increases in vascular permeability, vasodilation, orglomerular hypertrophy, are well consistent with diabetic renalpathophysiology ( 27, 126 ). In any case, provided that thehypothesis about the role of VEGF is valid, it is hard to reconcilewith those findings suggesting a NO deficit in the diabetic kidney.$ [4 p; V# l, l2 Q. b8 k7 u4 c( C

! C9 Q; S  h- _( a6 _As with other issues discussed in this review, convincing contradictoryevidence has also been reported in this area, suggesting that a NOdeficit may underlie the development of renal structural changes indiabetes. Several in vitro reports have indicated that NO can interferewith pathways, resulting in TGF- induction by high glucose or othermechanisms active in the diabetic kidney ( 24, 117 ). It hasrecently been reported that TGF- suppression by NO in mesangialcells cultured in high glucose is mediated by downregulation ofthrombospondin-1 ( 145 ). This view was further supported byobservations that the RAS-TGF- axis is involved in mediating organinjury during chronic NOS inhibition in diabetic ( 21 ) andnondiabetic models ( 59, 129 ). Thus mechanisms discussed inthis section suggest that both increased as well as decreased renal NOactivity may result in characteristic changes in diabetic renal morphology.  m+ B7 ~7 ~1 j) O$ x" w7 R

- U( t; X. T9 _0 w' d8 y2 X* O. kSUMMARY
* E5 G7 b) P! h" F
% _) W' g: d6 MWe have reviewed a wide spectrum of findings and issues that haveamassed concerning the pathophysiology of the renal NO system indiabetes. It is apparent that it might be practically impossible toreconcile such complex and controversial evidence and find a unifyingscenario characterizing these processes. However, we believe that somepatterns are emerging. One of major general controversies existsbetween the in vitro findings, which generally suggest decreasedbioavailability of NO in the diabetic kidney, and in vivo observations,which tend to suggest enhanced renal NO production and/or activity indiabetes, at least in the early stages. We believe that the diabeticmilieu is complex and that in vitro approaches may miss some importantmechanisms that comodulate NO activity in a particular system. On theother hand, these studies are indispensable in the identification ofprecise mechanisms resulting in alterations of the NO system indiabetes. Most importantly, in vitro studies describe processes wherebyhigh glucose levels, a hallmark metabolic feature of diabetes, exertdeleterious effects on NO bioavailability.& d! P& a( z9 z4 ^4 O4 W0 k8 t

, c" a+ P3 G: {/ ~There is little doubt that severe diabetes with profound insulinopeniacan be viewed as a state of general NO deficiency, including in thekidney. However, it is important to note that we focus our hypothesesand conclusions on the events occurring during moderate glycemiccontrol, with some degree of treatment with exogenous insulin (Fig. 1 ).This situation represents more the clinically applicable model mostclosely resembling the situation in patients destined for developmentof nephropathy.( p7 E& t0 v; F& y5 T
+ [2 l+ y, |  j# |+ _/ @1 y
Diabetes triggers mechanisms that in parallel enhance and suppress NObioavailability in the kidney (Fig. 1 ). We hypothesize that during theearly phases of nephropathy, the balance between these two opposingforces is shifted toward NO. This plays a role in the development ofcharacteristic hemodynamic changes and may contribute to consequentstructural alterations in glomeruli. Both eNOS and nNOS can contributeto altered NO production. These enzymes, in particular eNOS, can beactivated by Ca 2  -independent and alternative routes ofactivation that may be elusive in traditional methods of investigation.As the duration of exposure to the diabetic milieu increases, factorsthat suppress NO bioavailability gradually prevail. Increasingaccumulation of AGE may be one of the culprits in this process. Inaddition, this balance is continuously modified by actual metaboliccontrol and the degree of insulinopenia.
+ y  i+ H4 L1 {/ \( D7 L! o% Q9 d( @" e! V! J3 U: M
Alterations of the NO system in the diabetic kidney and their role inthe pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy still represent a greatchallenge for future research. There are a number of topics in thisarea that warrant further investigation. Future investigations in thisarea may focus on, among other topics, direct in vivo measurements ofNO production in different compartments of the diabetic kidney andtheir changes in response to various stimuli; the biochemistry of eNOSand nNOS with respect to the changes in quaternary structure andcellular localization and posttranslational changes; and activity ofsignaling pathways, leading to modulation of NOS activities, as well ason possible alterations in NO signaling. Considering the epidemicincrease in type 2 diabetes-associated nephropathy, studies shouldfocus on evaluating these systems in models of type 2 diabetes., g- X) e4 C; q# r2 t, C  p
, _  I" e! v7 s
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS# L& q' a4 F5 w  U/ m3 b$ c
. Y1 x+ v" \1 i9 F% z
This work was supported, in part, by National Institute on AgingGrant AG-14699, the American Diabetes Association, and the JuvenileDiabetes Research Foundation. R. Komers is also supported by GrantVZ/CEZ L17/98:00023001 from the Ministry of Healthcare, Czech Republic.0 O0 t5 \$ i$ [5 q/ f/ E
$ q, w& d( I% F7 R# z: Q' J 1. Ahn, KY,Mohaupt MG,Madsen KM,andKone BC. In situ hybridization localization of mRNA encoding inducible nitric oxide synthase in rat kidney. Am J Physiol Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol 267:F748-F757,1994 .: G( d8 @( x1 S; F6 g. e

2 Y- v  u! T0 A- D: n, V# P3 u" D8 _% Y& O6 b. \
2 ]* Y1 }% e2 z" T
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